You are at a secret military base that is currently trying to be over run by civilians, your goal is to make lots of clones and upgrade them so that the civilians don't make it to the fence other wise your gonna lose income from the goverment.


bottom right there is 3 buttons one is normal time, the other is 2X speed, and the other is pause/ back to the main menu.

above the 3 buttons is a start next wave button it does what you'd expect.

at the top left of the control panel is a button that brings up the upgrade menu.

("this is a test idea so please leave lots of criticism so i can improve on the idea")

Development log


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i like it! would be cool to see the effects of upgrades

I love the game. Civilians attacking clones is always a winner. But to have clones attacking waves of defenseless civilians is different. Here are some suggestions and comments to make the game even more challenging.

Add more clones at the beginning. It takes up to Wave 25 to get enough civilians to start a challenging match. And by then you have enough money to add a vast number of clones, which then reduces the challenge for another 10 Waves.

Adding the red civilian was a great idea. But I’m not sure what the point is to have it invincible. It takes more shots and club hits than what the clones can send. I had 10 blue jean clones and a pile of club welding clones attacking a red civilian all the way through the field and the red civilian still made it across. You will never have enough hits to stop the red civilian. The blue jean clones need to lock onto the red civilians and fire faster. I played 100 Waves and never stopped one red civilian. And if the club clones fell behind the red civilians, then they could never catch up to be effective.

After Wave 80 the clones seemed to want to stay grouped together. Thus allowing the civilians to get through elsewhere.

Can I buy a barrier that bounces back the civilian(s) giving me another chance to destroy them? Or buy a bomb to hurl at them?

Lots of possibilities.

Nice game!

those are some great ideas I’ll get to making the red guys a little easier and make it more of a challenge at the start